Class notes

  • The digital media has change rapidly thanks to the growth in digital technology.Nearly every person and company today uses digital media to access information entertainment marketing or social networks.

Analogue-Devices which round data linearly from one point to another.Analogue devices read the media,such as tapes or records,by scanning the physical data off the media
digital-Devices which perform all calculations using ones and zeros.This method of computing is referred to as the binary system. Digitized information is recorded in binary code of combinations of the digits 0and 1 also called bits,which represent words and images.Digital technology enables immense amounts of information to be compressed on small storage devices that can be easily preserved and transported.

  • computer                         
  • phones
  • alarm 
  • tv
  • projector 
  • mouse
  • earphones 
  • calculator 

Media sectors 
Moving image- film,TV

Sectors-An area or portion of the media that is distinct from others.These are>Moving image,audio,publishing,games and websites.These are the industries that make the products.
Products:The media that is created , i.e. movies ,Tv shows , magazines,playstation games newspapers,pod cats.
5 stages of production=Pre production Production post-production,Distribution Exhibition.
Pre production=create the game or have a idea of the game such as the design,what type of game its going to be,research.
post production=check if it okay
Distribution=selling the game
exhibition=audience plays the game

pre production= plan it
production=record it
post production= edit it
The internet is bigger and easier to use

Technological Convergence 
 Media technological convergence is the tendency that as technology changes different technological systems sometimes eve vole toward performing similar task
For example a moblie phone can now do more than just call and text it has a number of other functions reducing the need for a bunch of devices
immediacy-how slow and fast we get something
access-how something that is available to us
convenience-how reliable something is
portability-easy to move about
connectivity-how we are connect to the rest of the world.
interactivity-is how you work with someone or something
personalisation -how you make something your own.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of technological convergence  
My phone is a device for accessing context from many sectors such as  map,movies,camera and online banking this is a advantage as you can do a lot on your phones is more portal as you don't have to carry as many devices to do the job your phone can do.

Regulatory bodies
to explore how product are regulated
films -all films in the UK are regulated by the british board of film control
vist Click on the Educational resources tab>student Guide>
All games in the UK are regulated by panEUROPEAN game information.
vist http:/http://www.pegi.infro
ASA-advertiseing standerd authory
ISPO-idpendent press standard orgainsation
office communication-

Ambient sound- The sounds of everywhere going on around the person who is speaking
For example ,the sound
Synchronised sound- The words are spoken to match the lip movements of the speaker
Often used in music videos or musical programs .
Voice over sound -sound that is dubbed onto any picture sequences

Sound effects-Usually added to the soundtrack at the dubbing stage .Sound effects can be subbed divide not two types
Sound whose source is visible on the screen
Sound whose source is neither visbible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action
Narrator Commentary
Sound effects which added for the dramatic effect=`

Narrative structures
Narrative is simply a word for describing the plot or storyline or film
Most mainstream films follow a very straight forward linear.
Non linear-Flashbacks etc
Multi-strand several narratives at the same time
open-cliff hanger,story does not resolve
closed-story ends satisfactorily
Point of view-First person through the eyes of a character
second person (documentary)
third person(outside the story)
Tzvetan Todorov- devised a way of analysing

                                                                           1 Equilibrium
The setting is established key character are introduced and the storyline is set up.
oppositional characters appear and the story takes a particular direction

                                                                        3 Recognition
The lives of characters and events are interwoven Tension builds throughout(basically when people start working together as they understand that they are in trouble the main body
                                                                     4 attempt to repair
The highest point of tension after which there is a dynamic change(normally when the hero comes in to save the day also normally when the fight takes place

                                                                  5.Reinstatement of equilibrium
MAtters are sorted out, problems are solved and questions answered(for example couple make up back together) Also the planet is saved everyone is happy.

Reception theory
The theory states that media texts are encoded by the produced meaning that whoever produces the text fills the product with values and messagess
dominant or preferred reading
This is when the text is read in the way the producer intended the text to be read  The audience agree with the messages and ideology that the producer has placed behind the text.

Example: a handbag that looks appealing to a female reader encouraging her to want to go out and buy it.
Negotiated reading -This is a compromise between the dominant reading and the oppositional reading of the text the audience accepts the views of the producer but also has their own input and understanding of the text
Example-they see a handbag advertised and think at looks nice but could not justify spending the amount of money it would coat. 
       oppositional reading 
Example An advertisement for handbag is rejected completely as the reader believes the advert is steroeotyping woman and categorising them on their appearance.  


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